"The best vision is insight."

- Malcolm Forbes

Because guessing can be expensive!

The future of your business is too valuable to leave to chance or intuition.

Sketch offers a blend of quantitative and qualitative services designed to take the guesswork out of your business decisions.

Furthermore, our network model means that we can provide you with the very best value for money, to suit both your budget and your brief.

Questions to ask before using Sketch

The benefit of having a network consultancy model is that we can flex our size according to type of project.

We can provide an agile team of senior experts who can adapt to any challenge.

Whether your project costs £5,000 or £500,000, we can flex the team accordingly.

Sketch is a network market research consultancy – we know and connect with the experts in each specialism.

With our extensive corporate experience, we then organize and manage those experts to deliver according to the client’s brief.

This means you only pay for what you need, ensuring excellent value for money.

‘Sketch quality’ means holding all the experts on a project accountable to Sketch’s exacting standards. 

Jules has decades of experience in industry managing teams for large agencies.

This ‘know-how’ is applied to everything that Sketch does. 


We offer expertise without the overheads.

This means no middle management, no corporate bureaucracy, and no flashy offices.

It does not mean that value is in any way diminished – you talk to the experts, not to the juniors.

Check out our Portfolio and Testimonials to see what our clients have to say about us.

As a rough guide, Sketch is 25% cheaper than other mid-level agencies.

This is due to an absence of extraneous costs, meaning that any monies go straight to those factors influencing the bottom line.

Sketch is lean not cheap.

Julian at Sketch Insights

Hi, I’m Jules.

After years working in industry, for both agency and client insight teams, I had become disillusioned with corporate life.

I realised that I wanted to spend less time on internal politics and more time listening to consumers, understanding what made them tick.

So, in 2017, I created SKETCH, specialising in Data, Insight and Consultancy services. Now I get to work with outstanding researchers, marketeers and digital communication specialists, with clients at the front and centre of everything.

I love solving tricky business problems, using data and creative thinking to provide practical solutions for our clients.

So, if you feel undervalued or overcharged by your current agency, check out our Porfolio and see how we might have helped others in your position.

Jules Watson

Founder & Lead Consultant