Client: Burger King
Project length: 4 months

Overview: Burger King was looking to extend its plant-based burger offering across Europe but lacked a coherent strategy.

Over a 4-month period, Sketch designed a questionnaire to be deployed across five European countries, followed up by focus groups and face-to-face interviews.

Using the data gathered, Sketch was able to quantify Burger King’s brand share position for plant-based burgers.

Further analysis was subsequently undertaken to explore the risk of menu cannibalization and the potential for food innovation options.

Where to compete

Sketch combined Burger King’s existing data with the newly-acquired data to identify consumer cohorts.

Tools used

  • Research Tools Questionnaire
  • Cohort Analysis
  • Consumer Segmentation Analysis

How to Win

Within each cohort, Sketch then advised Burger King which product it should promote.

Tools used

  • Range and Price Optimization
  • Concept, Product and Communication Testing (pre-launch)

What to track

Not applicable in this case – a 3rd party agency was engaged to monitor ongoing performance.

Tools used
